Sunday, April 4, 2010

Squirrels, squirrels everywhere...

Baby season has begun and as always, first come the squirrels. Please, don't cut down trees this time of year if you can avoid it, it is likely that there is a nest of baby squirrels high in the tree. And if you do find baby squirrels beside a tree, please leave them there for the mother to retrieve. You can put them in a small box with a hot water bottle or fill a sock with dry rice and microwave for 5 minutes and put inside a shallow box for warmth with a soft cloth.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Each and every day the pace picks up at WIC. More and more calls have been coming in every day about baby wild animals in distress. Our goal is to reunite these babies whenever possible with their parents. Please spread the word that this is NOT the time of year to be cutting down trees. And when doing "yard work" please be aware of all the babies that may be present in rock walls, brush piles, old sheds, gardens, trees, bushes and even wreaths left on doors. Please be aware that babies are everywhere this time of year, sometimes where you least expect to see the. The baby screech owl was found on a busy road and brought to WIC by a kind passerby who rescued the owl before he was crushed by cars, no parents or nest could be found in the area. And the eggs were brought to us by a homeowner who had cut down a hollow tree and found them inside, miraculously unbroken. Unfortunately, the mother never returned to the makeshift nest constructed. These are woodduck eggs that are in one of our many incubators at WIC. Happy Easter everyone!